Comprehensive implementation
of biogas projects
We cooperate with every entity involved in the supply chain for renewable energy investments, from the farmer to the distribution network operators.
About us
We are a company that supports business partners in the energy industry. We implement energy investments in RES and high-efficiency energy technologies.
We invest in the future!
We cooperate with every entity involved in the supply chain for renewable energy investments, from the farmer to the distribution network operators.

We offer
If you have
- animal waste (slurry, manure, bird droppings, vegetable fats and waste from animal slaughter),
- vegetable and fruit waste and orchard waste,
- straw and hay,
- silage of cultivated plants, especially corn,
- biodegradable raw materials from sugar factories and distilleries.
The biogas plant enables production of
We will reduce your bills
Do you have needs, high electricity and heat consumption in your farm, and your bills are constantly growing?
Contact us and with the help of biowaste we will reduce your bills almost completely thanks to the construction of a biogas plant.

New possibilities
- production of electricity and heat for own needs,
- additional sources of income – sale of electricity and heat,
- production of own biofertiliser, which reduces the use of artificial fertilisers.